Starting cancer treatment can be a physically and emotionally overwhelming experience. By creating a care bag with small items and a kind note, you can provide some encouragement to an NYOH patient starting treatment.  Ideal for any workplace teambuilding effort, youth project, or service activity, the NYOH Community Cancer Foundation is seeking patient care bags from our community.  We will distribute the bags to patients at an NYOH cancer site.

Thank you to Dr Karen Tedesco of NYOH and her son Evan for assembling 20 care bags for patients at the Hudson Cancer Center! They are very much appreciated!  Photo L: Evan and Dr Tedesco proudly display their bags full of kindness and care.  Photo R: Tiffani and Melissa in Hudson get ready to give away bags at a scheduled “chemo class” with patients.

If you’d like to create your own patient care bags to donate, visit the NYOH Community Cancer Foundation website for more information.

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Published On: February 22, 2023Categories: Uncategorized